2013 (Doomsday)Ch14 - Assembly


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  1. So, zombies will evolve in several directions? Becoming sentient and self-aware, like humans, and joining bodily to make up giants? Either possibility is scary…

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. I was wondering when an apocalypse novel would finally include a zombie giant like this. But seriously, I loathe Lin Musen and I can’t wait for him to die. Every time he appears I just want him dead.

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

    • “I loathe Lin Musen and I can’t wait for him to die. Every time he appears I just want him dead.”OMG SAMEE, i hate him so much

  3. Ah the flesh giant reminds me of a zombie apocalypse manga I’ve read. I can’t remember the name but there were some super creepy forms of evolved zombies… 😨

    Really hoping the guys won’t have to face similar things

    Thanks for the chapter

  4. A g-giant? How did that happen? This is madness! No one is safe anymore. If that giant is aiming to destroy all the shelters, then humans are really doomed.

    How scary.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. This story was written so well!!! It is as good as Dark Blood Age! IMO 😜 This one has some romance. DBA is just dark. Thanks for the great translation!!! 👾

  6. Remember Wang Hui? They said he still has some consciousness before he was shot. And that brother Wang of Zhang Min in early chaps said it too. How are zombies still be moving if they are already dead? Their body is the only thing dead but not their brain. These zombies have instinct to devour. So, they must have formed this giant due to their consciousness, or should I say, instinct, remained. Dang. The chills I felt when Meng Feng said monster and then when that giant zombie was decribed 😱😱😱😱

  7. The zombies weren’t enough and now even a giant? How are they going to survive…

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  8. Evacuate to the east, following that giant and having the giant in front while the horde of zombies on their back? Why?