2013 (Doomsday)Ch13.1 - Evolution


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  1. I’m eagerly waiting for Lin Musen to drop dead. And GJ to Zhang Min for killing the golden toothed trash. Also, heeehh, seems like the main CP are finally breaking bits of their barrier (and maturity lmao)

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Liu Yan reminds me of my acquaintance’s husband. When she grumbled that he never said he loved her, he deadpanned: “Well, I confessed to you 10 years ago, nothing has changed since then. If my feelings change in the future, I’ll tell you” 😳

    Thank you for the chapter! 💕

  3. Gramma mistake: He wanted to charge Liu Yan, but was held back by a number of other people.

    charge Liu Yan > charge at Liu Yan

    Nonetheless, thanks for the chapter!

  4. Thank you for the chapter!

    LM can do whatever he wants because he has people that clean his mess ://

    I never knew I could have a cannon fodder to this extent

  5. This boss is trash. He expects the others to do the dirty work. Everyone hates Liu Yan but they don’t see the boss is the one behind the nasty orders.

    I’m glad they got rid of the Fatty Scum. He was disgusting.

    Meng Feng can be infuriating. Why is he that adamant in Liu Yan praising him?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. I don’t know

    The more i think 💭

    I didn’t hate Lin Musen at all

    Yes he is SUPER AN ASSHOLE


    But still he is qualified to be a LEADER