2013 (Doomsday)Ch11 - Taking Risks


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  1. Lol having a lovers’ spat in the middle of a raid? But srsly, that confession took me by surprise. I wasn’t expecting it in this chapter.

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Jue Ming is such a darling (but in reality, secretly joining a team of adults on a dangerous mission isn’t something one should do)

    Thank you very much for the chapter! 💕

    • I honestly feel so bad but I hate the side couple it disgusts me so much T-T I just hope I don’t have to read whole chapters about them again

      • Captain Obvious mode on – Tastes differ! – Captain Obvious mode off 😂

        IMO, both Zhang Min and Jue Ming are pretty likable, but I can totally understand you – I myself have dropped a few novels (pretty popular ones at that), because some characters in them thoroughly ruined all the enjoyment I might get from reading. Welp, I take it those stories are not my cup of tea…

  3. Eiiii that was so cute, squirm inducing spat <3 but gahd JM, you would worry your dad if he knew, good call for LY not telling ZM

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  4. hmm currently what’s the date, don’t tell me they’d bomb the barracks while they’re inside ( •᷄⌓•᷅ )

    but really… they decided to have a spat at a critical time, with a listener too

  5. He Just confessed because he’s afraid Meng Feng Will die in there… But when they’re talking normally the both of them are so bitter. Aish, they have a long way ahead.

    Hmm could that General Meng be Meng Feng’s dad?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Jue Ming should stop calling zhang dad! I’m not against age gap but the problem is that I can’t stop seeing them as a dad and son and it’s disturbing. He can call him brother (what u call someone who’s older) but not dad grr